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Famous Philosophers

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Abraham J. Heschel popularity 0/10  Abraham J. Heschel quotesJames Harrington popularity 6/10  James Harrington quotes
Abraham Joshua Heschel popularity 0/10  Abraham Joshua Heschel quotesJames Martineau popularity 3/10  James Martineau quotes
Abraham Maslow popularity 8/10  Abraham Maslow quotesJean Baudrillard popularity 6/10  Jean Baudrillard quotes
Adam Smith popularity 8/10  Adam Smith quotesJean Bodin popularity 5/10  Jean Bodin quotes
Adi Shankara popularity 0/10  Adi Shankara quotesJean-Jacques Rousseau popularity 8/10  Jean-Jacques Rousseau quotes
Albert Schweitzer popularity 8/10  Albert Schweitzer quotesJean-Paul Sartre popularity 7/10  Jean-Paul Sartre quotes
Aleister Crowley popularity 9/10  Aleister Crowley quotesJeremy Bentham popularity 8/10  Jeremy Bentham quotes
Alexander Bain popularity 6/10  Alexander Bain quotesJiddu Krishnamurti popularity 6/10  Jiddu Krishnamurti quotes
Alexander Meiklejohn popularity 0/10  Alexander Meiklejohn quotesJohann Gottfried Von Herder popularity 0/10  Johann Gottfried Von Herder quotes
Alexandra Stoddard popularity 5/10  Alexandra Stoddard quotesJohann Gottlieb Fichte popularity 0/10  Johann Gottlieb Fichte quotes
Alfred Korzybski popularity 5/10  Alfred Korzybski quotesJohn Bradshaw popularity 7/10  John Bradshaw quotes
Alfred North Whitehead popularity 7/10  Alfred North Whitehead quotesJohn Dewey popularity 9/10  John Dewey quotes
Amos Bronson Alcott popularity 6/10  Amos Bronson Alcott quotesJohn Locke popularity 9/10  John Locke quotes
Anaxagoras popularity 7/10  Anaxagoras quotesJohn Stuart Mill popularity 8/10  John Stuart Mill quotes
Andrew Cohen popularity 6/10  Andrew Cohen quotesJohn Taylor popularity 8/10  John Taylor quotes
Andrew Gaines popularity 3/10  Andrew Gaines quotesJonathan Edwards popularity 8/10  Jonathan Edwards quotes
Antisthenes popularity 5/10  Antisthenes quotesJose Ortega y Gasset popularity 5/10  Jose Ortega y Gasset quotes
Aristippus popularity 5/10  Aristippus quotesJoseph Campbell popularity 8/10  Joseph Campbell quotes
Aristotle popularity 10/10  Aristotle quotesJoseph Hall popularity 5/10  Joseph Hall quotes
Arthur Schopenhauer popularity 6/10  Arthur Schopenhauer quotesJoseph Marie de Maistre popularity 0/10  Joseph Marie de Maistre quotes
Austin Osman Spare popularity 0/10  Austin Osman Spare quotesJosiah Royce popularity 6/10  Josiah Royce quotes
Averroes popularity 6/10  Averroes quotesKabir popularity 7/10  Kabir quotes
Baha'u'llah popularity 0/10  Baha'u'llah quotesKamanda Ndama popularity 0/10  Kamanda Ndama quotes
Baltasar Gracian popularity 5/10  Baltasar Gracian quotesKarl Marx popularity 9/10  Karl Marx quotes
Baruch Spinoza popularity 6/10  Baruch Spinoza quotesKierkegaard popularity 8/10  Kierkegaard quotes
Benjamin Franklin popularity 10/10  Benjamin Franklin quotesLao Tzu popularity 8/10  Lao Tzu quotes
Benjamin Whichcote popularity 0/10  Benjamin Whichcote quotesLeo Nikolaevich Tolstoy popularity 0/10  Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy quotes
Bertrand Russell popularity 8/10  Bertrand Russell quotesLeslie Stephen popularity 5/10  Leslie Stephen quotes
Blaise Pascal popularity 9/10  Blaise Pascal quotesLoren Eiseley popularity 6/10  Loren Eiseley quotes
Boethius popularity 7/10  Boethius quotesLucretius popularity 7/10  Lucretius quotes
Brett Shandler popularity 0/10  Brett Shandler quotesLuis Munoz-Marin popularity 0/10  Luis Munoz-Marin quotes
Byron Katie popularity 0/10  Byron Katie quotesMahatma Gandhi popularity 9/10  Mahatma Gandhi quotes
Charles de Montesquieu popularity 5/10  Charles de Montesquieu quotesMaimonides popularity 7/10  Maimonides quotes
Charles Peguy popularity 0/10  Charles Peguy quotesManly Hall popularity 5/10  Manly Hall quotes
Charles Sanders Peirce popularity 5/10  Charles Sanders Peirce quotesMark Woods popularity 0/10  Mark Woods quotes
Chu Hsi popularity 0/10  Chu Hsi quotesMartin Buber popularity 7/10  Martin Buber quotes
Cicero popularity 8/10  Cicero quotesMartin Heidegger popularity 7/10  Martin Heidegger quotes
Claude Adrien Helvetius popularity 1/10  Claude Adrien Helvetius quotesMencius popularity 6/10  Mencius quotes
Claude Levi-Strauss popularity 6/10  Claude Levi-Strauss quotesMichel de Montaigne popularity 6/10  Michel de Montaigne quotes
Confucius popularity 9/10  Confucius quotesMichel Foucault popularity 8/10  Michel Foucault quotes
D.T. Suzuki popularity 0/10  D.T. Suzuki quotesMiguel de Unamuno popularity 7/10  Miguel de Unamuno quotes
David Hume popularity 8/10  David Hume quotesMikhail Bakunin popularity 5/10  Mikhail Bakunin quotes
Demetrius (Phalereus) popularity 0/10  Demetrius (Phalereus) quotesMortimer Adler popularity 6/10  Mortimer Adler quotes
Democritus popularity 8/10  Democritus quotesMoses ben Maimon popularity 0/10  Moses ben Maimon quotes
Dick Nicolosi popularity 0/10  Dick Nicolosi quotesMuhammad Iqbal popularity 3/10  Muhammad Iqbal quotes
Diogenes popularity 8/10  Diogenes quotesNagarjuna popularity 7/10  Nagarjuna quotes
Dogen popularity 5/10  Dogen quotesNoah benShea popularity 0/10  Noah benShea quotes
Eberhard Arnold popularity 2/10  Eberhard Arnold quotesOgilvie, Sr. Heneage popularity 0/10  Ogilvie, Sr. Heneage quotes
Edgar Quinet popularity 0/10  Edgar Quinet quotesOswald Spengler popularity 6/10  Oswald Spengler quotes
Edmund Burke popularity 8/10  Edmund Burke quotesOtto Weininger popularity 5/10  Otto Weininger quotes
El-Ghazali popularity 0/10  El-Ghazali quotesPaul Tillich popularity 7/10  Paul Tillich quotes
Elton Trueblood popularity 5/10  Elton Trueblood quotesPaul-Henri Thiry popularity 0/10  Paul-Henri Thiry quotes
Emanuel Swedenborg popularity 6/10  Emanuel Swedenborg quotesPeter Singer popularity 7/10  Peter Singer quotes
Emile M. Cioran popularity 0/10  Emile M. Cioran quotesPhilo popularity 7/10  Philo quotes
Empedocles popularity 7/10  Empedocles quotesPhilo Judaeus popularity 5/10  Philo Judaeus quotes
Epictetus popularity 7/10  Epictetus quotesPierre Bayle popularity 5/10  Pierre Bayle quotes
Erich Fromm popularity 7/10  Erich Fromm quotesPlato popularity 10/10  Plato quotes
Ernest Renan popularity 1/10  Ernest Renan quotesRamana Maharshi popularity 6/10  Ramana Maharshi quotes
Francis Bacon, Sr. popularity 0/10  Francis Bacon, Sr. quotesRemy de Gourmont popularity 0/10  Remy de Gourmont quotes
Francis Hutcheson popularity 3/10  Francis Hutcheson quotesRene Descartes popularity 8/10  Rene Descartes quotes
Francis Lieber popularity 5/10  Francis Lieber quotesRichard Cumberland popularity 0/10  Richard Cumberland quotes
Frantz Fanon popularity 6/10  Frantz Fanon quotesRichard Groover, III popularity 0/10  Richard Groover, III quotes
Friedrich Engels popularity 7/10  Friedrich Engels quotesRichard Rorty popularity 7/10  Richard Rorty quotes
Friedrich Hegel popularity 2/10  Friedrich Hegel quotesRobert Nozick popularity 7/10  Robert Nozick quotes
Friedrich Nietzsche popularity 8/10  Friedrich Nietzsche quotesRobin G. Collingwood popularity 0/10  Robin G. Collingwood quotes
Friedrich von Schiller popularity 3/10  Friedrich von Schiller quotesRoger Bacon popularity 8/10  Roger Bacon quotes
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling popularity 0/10  Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling quotesSalvador Pániker popularity 0/10  Salvador Pániker quotes
G. Wilhelm Leibniz popularity 0/10  G. Wilhelm Leibniz quotesSam Keen popularity 6/10  Sam Keen quotes
Galileo Galilei popularity 9/10  Galileo Galilei quotesSamuel Taylor Coleridge popularity 8/10  Samuel Taylor Coleridge quotes
Gaston Bachelard popularity 6/10  Gaston Bachelard quotesSeneca popularity 8/10  Seneca quotes
Georg Simmel popularity 5/10  Georg Simmel quotesSimone Weil popularity 7/10  Simone Weil quotes
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel popularity 3/10  Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quotesSir Julian Huxley popularity 5/10  Sir Julian Huxley quotes
George Moore popularity 6/10  George Moore quotesSissela Bok popularity 6/10  Sissela Bok quotes
George Santayana popularity 7/10  George Santayana quotesSocrates popularity 10/10  Socrates quotes
Giacomo Leopardi popularity 5/10  Giacomo Leopardi quotesSolomon Ibn Gabirol ben Judah popularity 0/10  Solomon Ibn Gabirol ben Judah quotes
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola popularity 0/10  Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola quotesSoren Kierkegaard popularity 8/10  Soren Kierkegaard quotes
Hannah Arendt popularity 7/10  Hannah Arendt quotesSri Aurobindo popularity 6/10  Sri Aurobindo quotes
Harold Rosenberg popularity 0/10  Harold Rosenberg quotesSt. Thomas Aquinas popularity 8/10  St. Thomas Aquinas quotes
Helen Araromi popularity 0/10  Helen Araromi quotesSusanne K. Langer popularity 5/10  Susanne K. Langer quotes
Henri Bergson popularity 6/10  Henri Bergson quotesTeilhard de Chardin popularity 7/10  Teilhard de Chardin quotes
Henri Poincar popularity 0/10  Henri Poincar quotesTerence McKenna popularity 0/10  Terence McKenna quotes
Henri Poincare popularity 5/10  Henri Poincare quotesThales of Miletus popularity 7/10  Thales of Miletus quotes
Henry David Thoreau popularity 0/10  Henry David Thoreau quotesTheodor W. Adorno popularity 3/10  Theodor W. Adorno quotes
Henry Sidgwick popularity 6/10  Henry Sidgwick quotesTheophrastus popularity 6/10  Theophrastus quotes
Heraclitus of Ephesus popularity 0/10  Heraclitus of Ephesus quotesThomas Hobbes popularity 9/10  Thomas Hobbes quotes
Herbert Marcuse popularity 6/10  Herbert Marcuse quotesVictor Cousin popularity 0/10  Victor Cousin quotes
Herbert Spencer popularity 8/10  Herbert Spencer quotesVoltaire popularity 9/10  Voltaire quotes
Immanuel Hermass von Fichte popularity 0/10  Immanuel Hermass von Fichte quotesWalther Rathenau popularity 5/10  Walther Rathenau quotes
Immanuel Kant popularity 8/10  Immanuel Kant quotesWang Yang-Ming popularity 0/10  Wang Yang-Ming quotes
Iris Murdoch popularity 7/10  Iris Murdoch quotesWilliam Ernest Hocking popularity 0/10  William Ernest Hocking quotes
Irwin Edman popularity 0/10  Irwin Edman quotesWilliam James popularity 8/10  William James quotes
Jacob Boehme popularity 6/10  Jacob Boehme quotesXenocrates popularity 5/10  Xenocrates quotes
James Feibleman popularity 0/10  James Feibleman quotes 
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