“Right now, health care is the issue, because the company, in the form of its CEO, Rick Wagoner, made a big spectacle at the shareholders' meeting last month. They're saying we're in this big crisis. My question, and most of the [union] leadership's question, is, show us the crisis. Where have you been spending the money?”
“It's a huge race to the bottom in terms of what companies are doing to their workers. Communities in this country are losing good-paying manufacturing jobs. And there's more of a loss of white-collar jobs ? in engineering, information technology, call centers, help desks. Nothing's insulated or protected from this fast-paced movement of capital out of the high-wage, industrialized countries of the world.”
“We don't look like anything most of the people in our audience have ever seen. We wear vintage clothes-and hats-and we use one microphone for all our vocals, so there's a lot of movement on stage. We'll have every kind of harmony; every instrument will be featured; and we'll do everything from breakdowns to waltzes to gospel quartets. I guarantee this: from the moment we hit the stage until the moment we leave, the audience is going to be entertained.”
“The writing's on the wall. Sooner or later we're going to be faced with not enjoying the level of benefits we've currently got. It's going to be sooner than we'd like.”