“The sky just exploded. It was debris everywhere. When it went across the road and it hit all the houses over there ... it was something you can't explain.”
“The results reflect an excellent performance from all of the business operations of the club. Football business has moved much closer towards a sustainable cost base for the long term.”
“Continuation of the progress made last year both on and off the park is our aim. I am delighted we have safely qualified for the group stage of the Champions League. Participation in the UEFA Cup group stage [last season] was welcome, but does not provide the club with the same level of income as the Champions League can guarantee. Regular and prolonged European football is a key target for everyone at the club, as this has the twin impact of improving financial performance and meeting the sporting aspirations we have for our club.”
“The sky just exploded. It was debris everywhere. It moved across the road and then it just grew, it kept growing and growing and debris was just everywhere.”
“[David Murray, the elder by four minutes, never lets his younger sibling forget he is smarter and more mature.] His youthful exuberance reveals itself way too often, ... You can tell he is the younger one.”